Hello July! I would love to say that I'm sad that our summer is basically over, but honestly if I already had my curriculum, we would be starting back to school this month! June was a very trying month for our family. Lots of changes came about and we were trying to (and still somewhat are) settle into a new normal.
Carlie and Trey went to church camp for the first ever (well besides a 1 night preteen retreat YEARS ago). Makena was a little bummed because she couldn't go but we got to sleep-in as late as we wanted (Carlie usually has a way of waking EVERYONE in the house when she is up) and we hung out and did some one-on-one things. It is hard adjusting to having only one child at home. She realized real fast that she didn't want to be the only child! As for Carlie and Trey, they had fun. Trey more so than Carlie. I was all worried about kids getting on his nerves because he tends to be like an old man (set in his ways...the way he likes it!), but I think he did great and wait until you hear this one: turns out, he is quite the ladies man! I think he ended up have about 3 girls after him. Carl asked if he got their numbers and he said, "No well I've got them on SnapChat!". What the what?! Last I heard, he didn't even like girls. I guess I missed that memo.
Carlie was getting over her boyfriend, Brent, while at camp. I am proud to say that, that relationship has fizzled out. He just wasn't the one for her and I do believe I let her know my opinion on that from day one. She has to concentrate on school and he was not only a distraction, but he was an attention hog. She was putting way more effort into him than he was to her.
I'm learning more and more about parenting these days. I never realized that in some ways parenting a young adult is just as hard is parenting a young child. This stage is really the ultimate 'let go, shut your mouth, only encourage' season. I'm not good at letting go or shutting my mouth! We are all learning. Maybe by the time the other two kids get here, I'll be a pro...probably not, but a girl can hope. Let's just say I have prayed more over the past 3 weeks than I have in a very long time.
Now back to camp. We (as a family) have only been tent camping where you have to pack all of your stuff (bedding and towels stuff) maybe 3 times with the kids and they were pretty young. I'm not sure Trey even really remembers it, so when I starting getting sheets and towels and wash rags together he said, "you mean they don't have them there for you to use?". No buddy, this is not a hotel or condo, this is dirty, smelly, church camp. Our campers had to leave Thursday because Makena was set to have her surgery on Friday. Trey and my nephew, Noah were not ready to come back home. I think he loved being away from me, and honestly I was relieved. I was relieved to know that I have instilled enough confidence in him to be able to go out and make friends on his own....even those of the female type. *remember the whole home school stigma* He is a pretty social dude, I guess..
My mom went to camp as the girl's sponsor. She is good with kids of most ages. I didn't inherit that.
While they were gone we threw my dad a birthday party at our house. We had hamburgers/hotdogs, chips/dip, and cake and homemade ice cream. It was a good evening. I wanted to do something special for him because he means the world to me, and I always say that nobody should be alone on their birthday. We invited my sister and her two youngest kids and my grandparents. Lots of family fun!
Finally, Friday arrived. I was both dreading and looking forward to this day. After seeing how much pain that Makena was in, I was praying that this surgery would be the one to relieve that pain, so she could get on with her life! I was also dreading this because I know the road to recovery is sometimes slow and just as painful. It is the summer and you are supposed to have fun in the summer, but her being in pain was sucking the fun out of summer anyway. We were all in agreement that the surgery was very much needed. I love that girl. She pulled me out of a very depressive state not too long ago with her sweet, kind words and deeds. She loves to love on people. Now she needs me to do the same for her and I can't let her down.
Surgery went well and the doctor said that he got lots of scar tissue out and was able to shave off more of the herniated disk. When I was able to see her in recovery she was pretty groggy and still in pain, but was sure to tell me that she had NO PAIN in her leg or foot! This is something that had never stopped from the previous surgery in January! We praise the Lord for this!! So far she seems to be recovering faster than the first time. We go back for a check up on July 10th and my sweet, sweet girl turns 17 on July 13th! That is hard for this momma to believe. How can I have a senior again this year?! I'm going to try to enjoy every minute but I am wishing this recovery thing would just be over already! I can't wait to take senior pictures with her and do all the fun things!
And now it time to send my big girl off on her own in the big city. Ya'll wanna talk about praying...this momma wakes up in the night and prays for the safety of this girl. She is very confident in her abilities, but I know the reality of driving on a 3 hour commute each day. Again, the whole shut up and encourage thing keeps running in my head. So I shut up, but I never stop praying! I'm talking from the time she leaves at 6 a.m., until the time she returns around 4 p.m.. She loves school so far. I just can't believe she is so grown up. I'm so proud of her...so proud I feel like my heart could burst.
I finally got my books ordered for our homeschool and I am very excited to get them in and I am using the down time of taking care of Makena to do a little planning and organizing. This time of year is always exciting for the teacher side of me!
Wow, this post was extremely long! I guess that's what happens when you wait and post about four events at one time.
Much Love,
Trey's squash are blooming and looking great!
The chickens are growing as well. I am excited for them to start producing!
Carlie and Trey went to church camp for the first ever (well besides a 1 night preteen retreat YEARS ago). Makena was a little bummed because she couldn't go but we got to sleep-in as late as we wanted (Carlie usually has a way of waking EVERYONE in the house when she is up) and we hung out and did some one-on-one things. It is hard adjusting to having only one child at home. She realized real fast that she didn't want to be the only child! As for Carlie and Trey, they had fun. Trey more so than Carlie. I was all worried about kids getting on his nerves because he tends to be like an old man (set in his ways...the way he likes it!), but I think he did great and wait until you hear this one: turns out, he is quite the ladies man! I think he ended up have about 3 girls after him. Carl asked if he got their numbers and he said, "No well I've got them on SnapChat!". What the what?! Last I heard, he didn't even like girls. I guess I missed that memo.
Carlie was getting over her boyfriend, Brent, while at camp. I am proud to say that, that relationship has fizzled out. He just wasn't the one for her and I do believe I let her know my opinion on that from day one. She has to concentrate on school and he was not only a distraction, but he was an attention hog. She was putting way more effort into him than he was to her.
I'm learning more and more about parenting these days. I never realized that in some ways parenting a young adult is just as hard is parenting a young child. This stage is really the ultimate 'let go, shut your mouth, only encourage' season. I'm not good at letting go or shutting my mouth! We are all learning. Maybe by the time the other two kids get here, I'll be a pro...probably not, but a girl can hope. Let's just say I have prayed more over the past 3 weeks than I have in a very long time.
Now back to camp. We (as a family) have only been tent camping where you have to pack all of your stuff (bedding and towels stuff) maybe 3 times with the kids and they were pretty young. I'm not sure Trey even really remembers it, so when I starting getting sheets and towels and wash rags together he said, "you mean they don't have them there for you to use?". No buddy, this is not a hotel or condo, this is dirty, smelly, church camp. Our campers had to leave Thursday because Makena was set to have her surgery on Friday. Trey and my nephew, Noah were not ready to come back home. I think he loved being away from me, and honestly I was relieved. I was relieved to know that I have instilled enough confidence in him to be able to go out and make friends on his own....even those of the female type. *remember the whole home school stigma* He is a pretty social dude, I guess..
My mom went to camp as the girl's sponsor. She is good with kids of most ages. I didn't inherit that.
Bro Adam with three of the 5 kids we took.
Carlie the porch camp monkey
He really didn't want to leave!
While they were gone we threw my dad a birthday party at our house. We had hamburgers/hotdogs, chips/dip, and cake and homemade ice cream. It was a good evening. I wanted to do something special for him because he means the world to me, and I always say that nobody should be alone on their birthday. We invited my sister and her two youngest kids and my grandparents. Lots of family fun!
Say Cheese!
The crew, minus Jamie and the kids. She was running late...again
Finally, Friday arrived. I was both dreading and looking forward to this day. After seeing how much pain that Makena was in, I was praying that this surgery would be the one to relieve that pain, so she could get on with her life! I was also dreading this because I know the road to recovery is sometimes slow and just as painful. It is the summer and you are supposed to have fun in the summer, but her being in pain was sucking the fun out of summer anyway. We were all in agreement that the surgery was very much needed. I love that girl. She pulled me out of a very depressive state not too long ago with her sweet, kind words and deeds. She loves to love on people. Now she needs me to do the same for her and I can't let her down.
Lots of rest for the first few days.
Surgery went well and the doctor said that he got lots of scar tissue out and was able to shave off more of the herniated disk. When I was able to see her in recovery she was pretty groggy and still in pain, but was sure to tell me that she had NO PAIN in her leg or foot! This is something that had never stopped from the previous surgery in January! We praise the Lord for this!! So far she seems to be recovering faster than the first time. We go back for a check up on July 10th and my sweet, sweet girl turns 17 on July 13th! That is hard for this momma to believe. How can I have a senior again this year?! I'm going to try to enjoy every minute but I am wishing this recovery thing would just be over already! I can't wait to take senior pictures with her and do all the fun things!
And now it time to send my big girl off on her own in the big city. Ya'll wanna talk about praying...this momma wakes up in the night and prays for the safety of this girl. She is very confident in her abilities, but I know the reality of driving on a 3 hour commute each day. Again, the whole shut up and encourage thing keeps running in my head. So I shut up, but I never stop praying! I'm talking from the time she leaves at 6 a.m., until the time she returns around 4 p.m.. She loves school so far. I just can't believe she is so grown up. I'm so proud of her...so proud I feel like my heart could burst.
I finally got my books ordered for our homeschool and I am very excited to get them in and I am using the down time of taking care of Makena to do a little planning and organizing. This time of year is always exciting for the teacher side of me!
Wow, this post was extremely long! I guess that's what happens when you wait and post about four events at one time.
Much Love,