We have been wrapped up in all kinds of life stuff around here, and I haven't had a chance to blog as much as I was hoping. However, today is a new day.
Don't you all wish that you were as cool as Trey.
We have still been bowling every Saturday. Trey ended up having to get a new bowling ball and it has definitely taken his game to a whole new level.
He drove himself bowling for the first time on Tuesday evening. Now he wants to go every Tuesday night because his Saturday league buddies are there. I guess this is part of that letting go I spoke of earlier.
Makena made it home last weekend and we had such a good time hanging out. I sure miss her when she stays at school.
She is supposed to come in this weekend but we will just have to wait and see if the roads get better.
Trey is always helping the elderly...
Makena went back to school on Sunday, and we got back to our regular schedule on Monday. School is going well. Trey stills sees Spanish and Algebra as useless (along with diagraming sentences) yet, we continue to do them.
We have known since the beginning of last week that winter weather was coming mid-week, and lo and behold, here it is. We have had freezing rain and sleet since early Thursday morning. Our electricity went out around 6:30 a.m. and didn't come back on until around 1 in the afternoon. Thankfully we have a generator.
We went for a little ride around the community.
I love my driver :)
The river.
Poor trees!
Sometimes having chickens can be a pain; like when their water has to be busted up because it is frozen or when the electricity goes out and you have to run extension cords from the generator to the coop in an ice storm or in the summer when you have to make sure they have fans running. But they are my babies, and they are laying like crazy right now. I work hard for them; they work hard for me. It's just what we do.
My big boy, Boone.
Happy Weekend 😄
Much Love,