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What's Up Wednesday

 Today I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer for February's What's Up Wednesday!

What We're Eating This Week...

It seems like over the past month we have decided that Tuesday nights are pizza nights.  We have made our own before, but sometimes you just don't have time for that and since we live about 20 minutes out of town, we aren't just gonna swing by and pick one up.  I have found a couple of pizza brands that are so delicious, you don't even think about them being frozen!

I just grabbed these at Wal-Mart to have if we were in a pinch, but I was blown away at how good they actually are.  

What I'm Reminiscing About...

These two babies will be married for 23 years next month.  Oh, the things I would love to go back and tell them.  But hindsight is 20/20.  I love him more and more with each passing year.  He is my rock. 

The fact that we are about to be grandparents still blows my mind!  I don't feel like a grandma😂

What I'm Loving...

I am loving that all of my babies are happy.  Really, isn't that all we could wish for as parents?!
Makena is thriving at college, Carlie is living her best life as a surgical tech, wife, and soon-to-be mother, and Trey is doing well in school, staying out of trouble, and has gone back to trapping until he can start fishing again :)  And I know that I shared this picture in my last post, but like I said, I love it!

What We've Been Up to...

Bowling is life right now.  

What I'm Working On...

I have a few things going on: With the first thing being my health.   I started a new program a few weeks ago. I would like to say that it is going great but let's face it, when you have leftover cupcakes, the struggle is real.  It does work, when you put forth the effort and do it right. If you are interested in trying 2B Mindset by Beachbody let me know, I can set you up with my girl.

I've also been working on gathering and washing eggs.  Is there anything better than farm fresh eggs?!

What I'm Excited About...

I am probably most excited that next week in March.  Although March isn't necessarily my ideal temperature, it just means we are getting closer to SUMMER!  For now, I'll just be excited for spring :)

I am also excited for the rodeo this weekend with my boys (Makena has a trip with her college friends), throwing a fish fry for Makena's Ascend group at school, taking our youth at church to the Arkansas Youth Conference, as well as Trey's State Bowling Tournament in the next few weeks.

What I'm Dreading...
In our area, with the warm-ish temperatures of spring comes buffalo gnats.  They swarm so bad that they kill deer, cattle, and are super annoying for humans.  My dad is severely allergic to them and has to have shots if he gets bit.  We have to take extra caution as chicken owners.  They are just a huge pain!

What I'm Watching/Reading...
Please don't judge me!

And here are a couple of books that I have read over the past few weeks:

What I'm Listening To...

Every Sunday while I'm getting ready for church, I listen to Steven Furtick on the Elevation podcast.

I am a huge Crime Junkie fan, and Ashley Flowers recently mentioned this one on the show:
It is basically about cold case files.  If you like true crime, give it a listen!

Another guilty pleasure: Morgan Wallen music.

What I'm Wearing...
I am defintely not going to show you selfies.  I'm the NOT a fashion blogger.  However I will share the new swimsuit I just picked up from American Eagle.
How cute is that! I was totally influenced by Stacy from KetoInCourt (Instagram).

What I'm Doing This Weekend...

Spending time with my guys

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month...

Drumroll please... I am going to give horticulture a try.  Greenhouse is coming soon!  
Also: Spring Break!

What Else Is New...

I thought a throw a picture swiped from Makena's MBSF group.  How else is a mom supposed to get pictures from her college kid?!  Makena dressed up with a new member, Jenna (not her roomate). They dressed up with their twins for "TWOSDAY" yesterday :) (She is in the purple shirt with the boa).

Well, I think that covers all of "What's Up" over here on the homestead.  
See you next time!

Much Love,


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