G'day friends! We came off of our Kookaburra Coast VBS a little over a week ago and I'm still singing the songs and talking the "lingo"! We had a pretty great week. This was (hopefully) my last year of directing. It was a great experience over the last two years, but I am ready to pass the torch to another eager volunteer :)
Ready for some Awesome Adventures!
This was the theme from Regular Baptist Press this year.
Mrs. Cheryl teaching about Moses and the burning bush.
Makena Faith was our craft lady again this year.
I am proud of her and how she is always so willing and eager to help.
"From the bush to sea, to the mountains we see God's glory"
The kids loved singing the "Kookaburra Coast Theme Song"
Makena Faith was also our tech lady!
When you are member of a small, rural church, you wear many hats!
I'm not going to lie, there are times when I long to belong to a big church!
Somewhere that you could just get lost in the crowd if you chose to, because let's face it,
that ain't happening in a small church!
The oldest class, singing their little hearts out.
These are our kitchen ladies. We fed the kids nightly.
Not snacks, but meals. From hot dogs & chips to nuggets with mac & cheese,
these ladies did a great job serving!
Mr. Luke looking all cool.
The kiddos always love the "train"
We made it through the week with no major issues. The kids learned about Moses' encounter with God's glory as well as learning different facts about some of God's great creations in the Australian Outback.
"Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let they glory be above all the earth."
Psalm 57:5
Much Love,