Today I'm linking up with Shay and Sheaffer to talk a little bit about what's been going on around here!
What We've Been Eating..
We've been eating pretty much anything that can be grilled! It has been so hot that I haven't wanted to turn my oven on, so I think for almost a solid week we had nothing but grilled food of some sort. Grilled pork chops are a family favorite with the secret sauce/rub of course!!
What I'm Reminiscing About...
As I am getting a little older (I'm about to be a BeBe) and somewhat wiser (live and learn), I wish I could go back and hold on to the time when all of my kids were at home just a little bit longer. I miss those days but I'm excited about things here and now also. Here are some 4th of July memories for ya!
ok, enough of that!
What I'm Loving...
This picture and all it represents.
Trey is the kid in the orange shirt. I say kid because he is only 16. See the "kid" on his left? He is special needs and is 40 (physically). The kid on his right is 17 and has cerebral palsy. Trey was planning on being a helper to whoever during the week of Vacation Bible School. He wasn't planning to go to class, however when the 40-year-old found out that Trey wasn't coming, he said he wasn't coming. Here is a secret about Trey: he is very tender-hearted. He wanted Joe to come, so he went to class and helped Joe with his writing. He pushed Luke around in his wheel chair all week. I love that somehow, I have raised such a helpful, loving kid. Now don't get me wrong, he is far from perfect, but there aren't many 16-year-old's who would do that. He definitely makes his mama proud!
What We've Been Up To...
It has been super hot in Arkansas lately. Thankfully we caught a break this week and it has almost felt like fall (a southern fall of course)! We have spent as much time as possible in the pool or at the river but there are always chores to do when you have animals, a garden and farm work!
The hens were over the heat too!
Boon was pretty proud of his new ball. When you are a big dog, you get big toys!
The best thing about the river: it is always ice cold!
Trey decided that it was better to just jump in as opposed to easing in.
Needless to say, it took his breath away :)
Since it was so nice, we went fishing! Trey decided to take the kayak this time.
He said his arms were a little sore when we got back!
What I'm Dreading...
We always have family over for the evening of the fourth of July. Every year mosquitoes are bad. We have tried citronella candles, lemongrass, thermocells, and the nasty chemicals that you spray on your yard. I've, basically surrendered to the fact that we will get eaten up no matter how much OFF we use!
What I'm Working On...
Getting organized! From the pantry to the homeschool's getting done!
What I'm Excited About...
I am excited about getting to see pictures of my sweet little Wrenley's face! Isn't she just precious?! Only about 10 more weeks until we get to meet her. I love that sweet girl so much already.
What I'm Watching/Reading...
Not really sure if a cookbook counts as reading, but this is a pretty good one!
I also started this one a few days ago!
I haven't been watching a ton of TV lately, but of course when I do, it's going to be some reality TV.
I think I have watched all of the seasons that Hulu has.
What I'm Listening To...
Since we have been spending so much time at the river/on the boat lately, this has been my go-to playlist
What I'm Wearing...
Again...not a fashion blogger over here.
I rarely take pictures of myself, but I snapped this and asked my daughters if it looked right.
They help me out as much as they can. I'm usually in athletic shorts/t-shirts or a swimsuit. Also, ignore my goofy face. I try to not take myself too seriously :)
What I'm Doing This Weekend...
This weekend I'll be celebrating our great nation! No matter how messed up a lot of things are right now, I'm still pretty sure that we live in the best country in the world.
What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month...
July is a month of birthdays around here! Makena is turning twenty (which makes me feel so old!), I am turning forty-four (and darn proud of it!), Carl's step-dad and my Grammy are also having birthdays at the end of the month. Carl also has a nephew and great-nephew with July birthdays!
Carlie is having a baby shower in a couple of weeks at our church, and there is a family reunion on Carl's side. Lots of fun to come!
What Else Is New...
Notice-of-Intent letter is signed and sent, cirriculum is ordered! Waiting on our new homeschool materials to come in!
Happy Wednesday, friends!!
Much Love,