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Life Updates

Hello there! Long time, no post.  I am so ashamed for not blogging over the past month. 
We have been a little busy and preoccupied with life.  I'll post a few highlights to get us caught up.

Mother's Day:
I feel super blessed to be their momma!

Almost 5 generations of strong women right here!

We had a very low-key Mother's Day weekend.  Carl didn't have to work and we kind of just chilled.  Makena left on the Monday after to head back to school for one last week before her summer break begins.  
Caleb and Carlie came to the river with us.

Makena Faith is officially a Junior!!

And she even finished on the Dean's List again. I am so proud of her.  She stepped outside of her comfort zone in so many areas and took her biggest load of classes yet. She spent a lot of time studying but it all paid off in the end and she shouldn't have to take that many classes again.

Carl in our new-to-us boat!
My uncle called us up a few weeks ago and told us that he wanted to give us this Four Winns 245 Vista.
It needs some cleaning and if we pull it very far we will have to invest in a new trailer, but needless to say we were super excited about getting it! Next summer Wrenley will have a good place to take a nap. It has a nice cabin with a bed, bathroom, and kitchen.

Boone approves!
I can just see myself tanning on the deck.  Now to think of a good name for her.

Trey landed a job at our local Ace Hardware Store a few weeks ago and has been working full time.  I sure have been missing him around the house.  I'm so glad that Makena is here!

Before Trey started working every day, I was able to have a pool day with all three of my babies.
Carlie's little belly is growing steadily. Wrenley will be here before we know it!

Doesn't she look nice and relaxed?!

Our little barn kittens are growing!

We were lucky enough that we got rain a few days before Memorial Day weekend, so Carl was able to be off! He did have to work, but we got a couple of good river days in on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon.  

Still not really any sandbars out, but we found a shallow cove to hang out in.

Trey likes having his own boat.

So much fun!

On Memorial Day we had lunch and a pool day at my parent's pool.

Trey, being helpful :)

Soaking up all the sun!

We have two hummingbirds that always fight over this feeder.
I should probably buy another one because I just love watching them on the porch.

We are enjoying the summer so far! We have Vacation Bible School next week (I am the director again), Father's Day, my dad's birthday, a baby shower for Carlie, Makena is turning 20, and vacation coming in the next few weeks! It's going to be busy :)

Much Love,


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