Makena and Carlie riding the 4wheelers in the woods
by Carl's deer stand/honey hole :)
We looked around and found T on his way up to the climbing
stand. Of course then he had to pause for a picture!
Then Carlie thought she needed to pose for me too!
And Makena sat on the 4wheeler and watched us :)
Carl and Trey checking out the deer feeder.
Today was a great day for a ride through the woods to check out the deer stands and feeders and cameras. Carl hasn't really been bow hunting because he's been really busy and it's been extremely warm! When we were out there today it was almost 90 degrees. That's WAY too warm to be hunting here. Mosquitoes almost ate us up before we could get back on the 4 wheelers. Carl has lots of deer on his game cameras including one monster buck...even bigger than the buck he killed at the farm last year!
After we finished we came back home and Carl cleaned out his truck and vacuumed my car out and I took a nap! I have just been so tired lately. I guess stress will do that to you. We had to be at church early for another one of those lovely 5:30 meetings...UGH! The kids are in the midst of taking 9 weeks exams and we spend a lot of time studying and trying to make sure we know the study guide front to back with our eyes closed! So far we've made nothing but A's on the exams we have taken, and I don't want that to change! Ah, there is no rest for the weary :)
I saw this sign on Pinterest a while back and it fits us so right, right now: