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Church Fall Festival

Carlie with her best friend since preschool, Heather

Makena with her friend, Mady.  They are the same age, in fact
Mady is actually 2 months older than Makena :)
Most of the kids that attended the FF.
The girls who stayed for the sleepover. 

Mady and Makena crafting with their tiles.

Girl Talk!

Friday night was the Annual Fall Festival at our church.  We had games, a devotional, and of course we ate!  In preparation for the FF, I injured my back, so I wasn't exactly myself that night, which is the reason why I didn't take very many pictures!  Both of my girls invited friends to stay the night at the sleepover following the FF.  They both picked their best friends, Heather and Mady from school.  The sleepover was at my parent's house and it was super fun for all the girls.  They crafted , talked, told stories, played Judge Judy (?), watched a movie, and drank WAY too much Mt. Dew!!  Like I said, my back was hurting pretty bad, so I had taken a muscle relaxer.....needless to say I was pretty useless at the sleepover.  I could barely hold my eyes open, so at 11:00 I went to the back bedroom and went to sleep.  They were extremely loud, but that nice little pill helped me to not care!  Finally at 2:00 I got up and insisted that they turn the lights out and try to go to sleep.  I didn't hear much out of them after that, but the other adults said that some of them stayed up until nearly 4!
While we were having our sleepover, the guys and boys were camping out in the pasture behind my house.  Carl had several tents set up, and ended up having about 9 boys (counting T) and 3 adults (counting Carl).  They had a blast playing spotlight and testing out coffee!  It was so cold that night, I was a little worried about T sleeping outside.  He loved it and him and Carl slept in the same tent and let our dogs in too!  I think the dogs kept them warm:)
On a completely different subject, Friday was Parent Teacher Conference day, only I did my kids conferences while I was working on Wednesday :)  One of the perks of being there all the time! 
Here are the reports I got on each of them:
Carlie:  Made all A's on her 9 weeks tests, very nice and helpful to others.  Complete teacher's pet (I added that part!).  Had all A's on her report card and the teacher said she is doing great!  
Makena:  Made all A's on her 9 weeks tests!  We were really expecting to have a B (would've been her first one EVER) on her report card in History, but because she made a 98 on the 9 weeks test, she pulled out with an A (90)!!  So she ended up with all A's again :)  We were both so excited! 
Her teacher also said that she had a 100% average in Spelling (Mady was the only other person with that average!)!! 
Trey:  Mrs. Odom said that Trey is doing very well, and is one of the best behaved in the class!  I know, I was so shocked about that too!!  He doesn't like to get in trouble and hardly ever gets a stick pulled, but when he does it's for being out of his seat or talking :)  He had all S's.  They either get S's or U's in Kindergarten, so he did the best he could!
We were very pleased with each of them.  Some may think that I'm too hard on my kids, thinking that they have to get all A's.  But that is not the case.  I don't demand A's, I just want them to do their best, and I try to do my part by making sure they are well prepared for each day. Makena was super upset when she thought she was going to have a B, but for some reason that 4th grade History is awful.  Carlie made A's last year in it, but she had to work hard for them.
I guess that pretty much wraps up Friday. 
Saturday the kids came home and played with their friends and we all went to Mrs. Lena's to eat lunch then we took Mady and Heather back home.  Carl worked pretty late Saturday night and Sunday was church day.  We rested most of Sunday afternoon, trying to catch up from Friday night!  I guess we are getting old :)

"...My grace is sufficient for thee:  for my strength is made perfect in weakness..."  2 Corinthians 12:9



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