Carlie dyeing her eggs. She tries to act like she's too old to do this, but I think she would get her feelings hurt if we didn't include her. And of course she likes to decorate them :)
This girl is so silly! she had a good time dyeing her eggs and helping Trey.
We woke Trey up to dye his eggs, but he didn't mind. You tell he doesn't feel very well here, though.
This was his favorite egg. He put a pirate tattoo on it!
Makena made this pretty speckled egg with a butterfly tattoo on it.
It wasn't long before they (Trey and Makena) started getting silly with their eggs. Trey made one look like Humpty Dumpty, and one a zombie. Makena wrote all kinds of stuff on her eggs. Carlie chose to keep hers "clean". They did a great job and had lots of fun doing it!
Happy Easter Egg Dyeing Day!