I love going to weddings! There is just something about how adoring the bride and groom are :) Saturday, Trey was in a wedding at our church. It wasn't a big wedding by any means, and the bride and groom are so young, but love was in the air! In the midst of my health issues, I had to buck up and get my family ready for this wedding. I'll admit it now, I didn't want to go. I felt terrible, it was storming outside, and I just wanted to stay home in my bed. However, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't go make sure my baby boy made it down the isle?! He really wasn't sure about all this, especially walking with Ellie Kate. Right now Trey is very ant-girl, but for a long time now he has been anti-Ellie Kate. They are both the youngest in their families, and just don't see eye-to-eye most of the time. I'd be lying if I said it's because they are both spoiled so rotten they stink!
The girls also had a part in the wedding. They got to pass out programs, sit at the Bride's table, and pass out bubbles at the end. They got pretty new dresses and both looked way too grown up. I just don't have any babies anymore!
The girls also had a part in the wedding. They got to pass out programs, sit at the Bride's table, and pass out bubbles at the end. They got pretty new dresses and both looked way too grown up. I just don't have any babies anymore!
I told you they looked too grown up.
All three of them!
My Family
I love these people to the moon and back!
Carlie, Ellie Kate, and Makena Faith
Nanny's 3 girls!
My two pretty girls!
My handsome boy!
Trey was so serious!
Trey and Hayden (the Groom)
Stormy and Hayden
The cake!
It was very yummy too!!
So there you have it, we made it through the wedding! Trey and Ellie Kate did great, the girls looked beautiful, and Stormy and Hayden are officially married. They are so young. I pray that they will always let God guide them.
Happy Wedding Day!!