Happy Memorial Day! And thank you to all of you who have fought for our freedom!! We celebrated Memorial Day by having a cook out at my Mom and Dad's house with my grandparents. Carl had to work this year...BOO!! And my sister and her kids weren't able to be here, but surprisingly my kids had a blast having the pool to themselves :)
Carl made it in just in time for lunch and then had to head back out to the field.
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Amy came by and took Trey for a little ride!
He loved it and talked their ears off the whole time!
After we ate and Carl went back to work, we headed out to the pool.
My mom bought this Bonsai Ball that is kind of like hot potato but with a water balloon.
It has a timer on it and when it goes off, the water balloon bursts! It's a lot of fun :)
He missed his Daddy, but he still tried to have fun!
Carlie made a flag, but didn't want her picture made with it because her hair was too messy!!
Trey with his art. He was the only one that would let me take his picture today!!
Makena decided not to draw a flag, but instead drew a heart that says Jesus Loves!
And here is yet, another picture of T.
He was floating around with Pop, trying to do everything he did :)
I forgot to post this one Friday, but here are my three monkey's in the truck on the way to Graduation.
And this one was taken yesterday before church.
I finally made them stop and take on for me after we got back home from swimming!! Carlie was still worried about her hair, and please, don't pay much attention to our "play attire"!
It was a pretty fun day, even though we didn't have Carl with us! I know we won't have him everyday all summer long, but it's just different when it's a holiday!
Happy Memorial Day!!
"For you were called to freedom brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another." Galatians 5:13