Every year during Toad Suck Daze they have an event called Stuck On A Truck, where the contestants have to stay "stuck" on the truck until eventually all but one fall off. I think they started out with 20 or 25. Mrs. Odom's (Trey's teacher) youngest son, Jacob was in the competition and won!! He was stuck on that truck for a little over 3 days during that last cold front we had. One of the most cool things about all of this is that Mrs. Odom's husband won the same competition about 3 years ago, and I have a picture somewhere of Makena on his truck!
So, Mrs. O got a lady from the Daily Leader to come and take her whole classes picture with Jacob and the truck. Trey is standing right beside Jacob in the white t-shirt.
Evidently they had a little competition of their own while Jacob was there and Trey told me he was on the truck for 20 minutes and won!! Now, this is very unofficial and is only "Trey time".
Exciting Times At GPCS!