Today marked my final class trip of this school year! Trey's class went to the Museum of Discovery in Little Rock. The kids had a lot of fun. Everyone just kind of went at their own pace (almost every kids parent/grandparent went). It was nice to spend time with my T-Man.
He's so crazy. This was at CFA before we went to the Museum.
He found some fish
This was his favorite!
At this activity you had to decide which animals were omnivores, herbivores, carnivores, and all of that. He loved this activity and was a lot better at it than me!
This was some kind of water vapor thing. It was fun for him!
He got to lay on the bed of nails! He said it tickled :)
He was climbing some kind of wall about skin diseases. This was in the Grossology room!
This was the first time we had ever been here, so it was new and exciting for us. We did everything except the Tornado Room. Evidently they simulate a tornado. Trey decided that he wanted to go in there, so we get in and then the sire goes off and it starts thundering and lightening and Trey is ready to leave! So I didn't get to see what happened in there. Maybe one day we'll go back and I can :) Of course the best part of the trip for Trey was the gift shop! He got a huge stuffed snake. He had his eye on it from the time we saw it through the window outside of the building! When we got back to school I realized that I didn't have my camera, so I called the museum and thankfully someone turned it in! I was relieved and couldn't wait to get it back in my possession!
It was a fun day spent with my best boy!!