Hey friends! Today I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for another Friday Favorites!

Coming back from vacation can sometimes be a bit of a bummer. I was excited to come home because I started my Beachbody MBF program. I woke up and got to my workout first thing....when Tuesday rolled around I felt like I was dying because of all the squats I did. Seriously, I was so sore I couldn't even sit down on the toilet without being in pain. Carl found it hilarious, I did not. Took a muscle realxer and went to bed and praise the Lord, I woke up almost back to normal on Wednesday and I was fully recovered by Thursday! I feel so much better since I started working out. My coach is the sweetest and I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience thus far.

Makena and Trey found some mussel shells (above picture).

It has been a great week here on the homestead. Some exciting things are in our future and I can't wait to tell you all❤
Much Love,