The five Mungers of 2005
This is our first picture as a family of 5.
When I think back to this very moment I think of how important it was for me as a mother to have it all together. My family was complete in the sense that no more babies were coming. I had both genders, something that I desperately wanted. I had a loving husband, a house, a minivan (oh yes I did...and I loved that thing!). I don't remember my exact goals but they were pretty shallow and were something to the tune of this: be hot momma/wife, with kids that went to the best schools (which later led to being the best at everything in their classes), wore the best clothes, and were in the popular activities, attended church for every service (at least I desired some form of Jesus for my family).
I would never have admitted it, but I wanted to be the one that everyone in my circle envied.
Ya'll...that was: exhausting, unattainable, and just completely dumb!
The five Mungers of 2019.
So many things have happened between then and now. If you've been reading here for very long, you know all of that, though. I was exhausted mentally. We backed away from a lot in an effort to simplify our lives. Things that used to be important to us are a lot farther down on the list.
Do you know what I wish someone had insisted I hear and value early on in parenting? This pretty much sums it up: "My children are God's children, given to bring Him glory, not trophy my success" -Paul Tripp, Age of Opportunity.
I wanted them to be perfect little trophies. They weren't. I spent longer than I should have in grief and tears because the story wasn't going how *I* had drafted it. I look at them now and I thank God for the extraordinary people they are and continue to become- even though the story still doesn't go the way I wish sometimes. God knows and He is making all things beautiful in His time.
Let go of your idea of perfection and watch the Holy Spirit do His work.
Much Love,