I haven't been posting on Wednesdays so far this year because I have either been sick, or there just wasn't anything exciting going on here on the homestead. I mean, you can only post so many pictures of animals (although maybe I could use that as an excuse to get more animals👀).
Remember that awesome exciting news I have just been dying to share?! Well here it is:
I'm going to be a grandma!! I have known for about 2 or 3 weeks now and it has been so hard to keep a secret. I have told a few people (with Carlie's permission of course), but they announced it tonight. And I was not prepared for the tears that came when she sent me a video of the heartbeat😢. Now I just have to pick out a grandma name!
Macy thinks she is happy to be a big sister!
More good news from the homestead- Ouachita finally released their official Dean's List for Fall 2021 and looky who is on it:
I'm so proud of my baby girl.
So you may ask what T has been up to. Well, he has been doing school, fishing, and helping our neighbor with his cows. Although he is 16, he can't drive alone because he has to wait 6 months after he passed his driver's test (it was a week after he turned 16). That is coming up next weekend. It is something that I have been secretly dreading for the past 6 months. It isn't necessarily his driving that I'm worried about, it is the fact that he is planning to get a job (and I know he should) but I know that is just another step in him growing up and one step closer to him leaving me...and he is my baby. Thankfully I won't wake up to him being 18, graduated, and ready to leave tomorrow. But I know it is coming all too soon. He is a good boy though and we are looking into him taking some college classes in the summer (per HIS suggestion😁). He will be fine. I will be fine. I WILL BE FINE.
Trey doing Algebra 2 and Boone sleeping.
We are about to be super busy replacing the flooring in our house. Send prayers that we will still be married when it's over😊
Other than having that nasty virus at the beginning of the month, this year has been great so far. Carl got a raise, Carlie is going to have a baby, Makena is doing great at school, and Trey is growing up to be a great young man. And although life isn't always great, God is. He has blessed me and my family through the good times and the bad times.
Much Love,