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Plan On It!

 I know I have posted about my planners off and on plenty of times.  I am a complete planner nerd.  Over the past year I feel like I have finally created and perfected a planning system.

There are four planners here. 
 I know, four seems a little excessive but they all have a purpose.

I got a new camera for Christmas and I love it!

To begin we will start with my main planner.  This one is kind of a "brain dump" planner, if you will.  I keep track of everything going on in our lives along with a few memory making aspects. I sit down on Sunday evening (most of the time) and plan out my next week. So most of the time I will try and find all of my stickers (so my theme for the week) before I start the actual planning process.  I try to find stickers with the same color schemes.

This is the Classic Happy Planner in a vertical layout.

Then I get my phone out and look at the weekly weather outlook.  I have weather stickers in several of sticker packs to choose from. Then I write down the highs and lows for each day.  This just makes it easier for me to have it all in one place, that way I can look at it and choose my clothes in advance.  Believe me, this saves me lots of time in the end.
The next step is to find my daily to-do stickers and start placing them and filling them in with the week's activities.  I then do one of two things: I either find a sticker or border with an inspirational quote or a cute sticker that makes me happy.  The last step in my planning process of this planner is to write my prayer requests in the side margin.  I began doing that last year and I can't tell you how happy I am that I did.  Just to be able to go back and see how God has provided for a need, answered a prayer, or even used a situation for His honor and glory has just been amazing.  He is working in our lives even when we don't see it or when we may not feel like what we are doing has any significance. 

The next planner we will look at is my homeschool planner. This planner is only used for homeschooling.  No life stuff (unless I use it for a homeschool credit).  I think I may have briefly showed it in a back-to-school post.  I have thouroughly enjoyed this planner.  It gives me plenty of room for each subject and leaves me a little room for creativity as well.  I ususally don't do a lot of decorating because I have to write so much but at the end of each day, I have an extra block to use for that if I so choose. Again, like with the main planner, I sit down each Sunday afternoon and plan for the week.  I have a binder where all of the video manuals and grade keeper for each subject is located. I like to have the days tasks in my planner so it can be in one location, and it is much easier to find this way.

This is the Big Happy Planner Teacher Edition
also, in the vertical layout.

The third planner is my meal planner.  I only meal plan for one week at a time.  I try to get everything I need for that week in one day.  I spend way too much money if I have to go to the store more than once a week.  I began doing this the year we started homeschooling. There are still weeks that I forget things and have to run to the store in between grocery days but for the most part I am a once a week-er.
On Wednesdays of each week, I sit down and write the meals we will have for the next week, then I take inventory and see what I need to purchase.  If I stick to only what is on my list, I can usually stay within budget. But guys, have you seen the price of things lately?! It is absolutely nuts.  There are only three of us at home now (except for some weekends there are four and if we do a big family dinner there are 6!) but buying for 3 has turned in to what I was paying for five people about 2 years ago.  
This planner not only helps keep me on budget, but it also allows me to track my meals.  I like to be able to see what I've fixed/when I've fixed it.
This is the Simplified Planner by Emily Ley

My fourth and last planner is my blog content planner.  I used to use one of these years ago...back when I blogged consistently.  I'm hoping this will keep me on track this year.  One thing I would like to do this year is make my blog a business.  It's got a long way to go, but I'm hoping this is the first step to getting where I want to be a year from now! As I come up with ideas for my blog, I jot them down (in pencil) and keep up with what I post/when I post it. 

This is the Mia Charro for Blue Sky Planner

So that's it!  That is my planner line-up for 2022.  There may be one more that I add in there, but for now that is it. 

Much Love,


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