This will be a no picture kind of post--an update of sorts:) After our busy week last week this week has seemed to creep by!! Maybe it's because I've had sick kids and have been house bound or maybe because we are looking forward to our trip to Memphis this weekend, whatever it is, JUST HURRY UP AND BE FRIDAY ALREADY!!!! Carlie started getting sick on Saturday night--sore throat, headache, earache, all that good stuff. I kept her home from church because she was running a little fever and I didn't want her to get anyone else sick(wish all parents were this considerate!). By Sunday night Makena started complaining of the same thing so I gave them both medicine to help them(and me) sleep. They both went to school on Monday but were still complaining and now Trey was getting sick, but he was WAY worse. So I took him to the doctor on Tuesday. He has an upper respiratory infection and got antibiotics, a refill on his inhaler, and steroids to use for the next three days! In the midst of all the sickness at our house, my sweetheart husband decided that we needed a new vehicle. So on Monday I got to say "bye bye gross van" and "Hello SUV"!! I was very happy with his choice. I would have been happy with another van, because let's face it, I've got three kids and had just reserved myself to the fact that I needed the space. We had been looking at a Honda van that I just loved, but Carl still insisted that he didn't want a van. After driving the new car the better part of this week I have come to realize that the kids are older now and do not have those awful car seats that take up so much room (well except for Trey), so we do fit quite comfortably in our new SUV:) We'll see how it will be having all three of them side-by-side when we head to Memphis this weekend for the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show. The kids are thrilled because they get to go swimming in the hotel:) I'm sure I'll have plenty of pictures to post on Sunday!! Happy Hump Day!!
Happy Friday, friends! Today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for another Friday favorites. And here they are in no particular order: Last week our preacher told us that he had a surprise for us next week. I had honestly forgotten about it until Carl mentioned at lunch on Sunday. Trey said he knew what it was, but he wasn't telling. It still didn't occur to me what it could be until we arrived at church on Sunday night, and I saw that Trey had a notebook along with his Bible sitting next to him on our pew. It was him. Trey was the surprise. He gave a short devotion before our Business Meeting. He did well, considering it was his first time. He said the congregation was a lot scarier when you are the one being stared at! This is a big deal because about 7 months ago he realized that he needed Jesus as his Savior. And that came after about 7 months of me worrying about him, while he was trying to stretch hi...