OK, so I'm a little behind! I had all three kids home yesterday due to the holiday, so I spent the majority of the day fixing somebodies food, cleaning it up, plus all of my usual duties=no time for blogging. Also, last night we had our Uth group at church and it was the Valentine party(it got cancelled last week due to the bad weather). The kids had so much fun, especially with the balloon animals. We have a couple that just became members at our church who actually went to clown school when they lived in Mississippi, so they were able to make the animals for the kids! I'm already thinking this would be a great idea for a birthday party:)
Happy Friday, friends! Today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for another Friday favorites. And here they are in no particular order: Last week our preacher told us that he had a surprise for us next week. I had honestly forgotten about it until Carl mentioned at lunch on Sunday. Trey said he knew what it was, but he wasn't telling. It still didn't occur to me what it could be until we arrived at church on Sunday night, and I saw that Trey had a notebook along with his Bible sitting next to him on our pew. It was him. Trey was the surprise. He gave a short devotion before our Business Meeting. He did well, considering it was his first time. He said the congregation was a lot scarier when you are the one being stared at! This is a big deal because about 7 months ago he realized that he needed Jesus as his Savior. And that came after about 7 months of me worrying about him, while he was trying to stretch hi...