This was after the game, so some had already left.
What a week! We have had something going on literally every night this week! Yesterday I had to sub for after school care at the girls school. I do like kids, and I didn't really mind doing it, but I'm so glad that it's not my everyday job. The kids were really good but I was counting down the minutes until 5:30! After we were done with that it was time to go help out in the kitchen for the Alumni night activities. We had grilled hamburgers, hot dogs, chili, cheese dip, and lots more. The night got started off the the Lady Mustangs playing the alumni women. They just played a half court game and the alumni lost!! Oh well, there's always next year:) In between the ladies playing and the guys playing they had a few little competitions: a free throw shoot-out, a slam dunk contest, and the parent/student shoot out(which Carl and Carlie participated in). I wasn't too hurt that she didn't ask me to play with her because I probably would have declined! Carl and Carlie made it into the second round, but then lost by one point. It was so much fun to watch, and Carlie is pretty good. After that it was time for the Mustangs to play the alumni (aka the oldies!). Carl was the oldest to play on the team and he just turned 30, so they weren't really all that old, but compared to kids aged 15-18, they were OLD!! I guess they still had game because they whooped the Mustangs by 20 something points!! The kids were so excited about seeing Carl play. At the beginning of the game Trey was dancing around yelling, "Go Daddy, Go Daddy!". It was priceless. Believe it or not Carl is actually able to move this morning. Not too bad for an old man:)