to have fun with us!
it was!
We have snow!! I say that like I'm really excited, but really I just want to know is it summer yet?! I am so ready for pool season! We literally spend almost everyday at the pool. I've even already bought a swimsuit and I'm looking for the girls a really cute one!
Now back to the snow: we've had more cold weather and snow this year than any that I can remember. This is our 3rd snow day from school-not in a row(we had one day two weeks ago). Yesterday morning Carlie was the first one out of bed and when she saw that there was snow, she got her "snow clothes" on and was ready to go out. Carl got the 4-wheeler and the sled out and we had a blast in the cold, wet snow!
We didn't make it through the morning without having an accident though. Carlie and Makena decided to ride the sled together and Carl turned the corner and they both went off. Carlie's head hit Makena's cheek bone and poor Carlie, when she came up to me crying, she had grass in her teeth and her braces had cut her lip so she had blood running out of her mouth, AND her glasses had grass and melted snow all over them and were a little bent! We came straight in the house and took a bath and got them all cleaned up. I'm mad because I didn't get it on video, but I was busy with Trey on the trampoline. I tried to take a picture of Carlie but she protested and covered her face up. I guess that wasn't exactly the time for a picture:) Maybe we'll make it through the day without any other accidents!