Today was the day(actually yesterday, I'm still a day behind!)...we got to meet our new teachers :) You know, a really good blogger mom would have taken her camera to take pictures of the girls with the principal, new teachers, friends, etc. Well, the day proved to be a little challenging, so I was not a good blogger mommy.
As we were leaving for Open House yesterday, Trey started saying his tummy hurt....SERIOUSLY?? So I load them all up anyway, and we take off to town. On the 15 minute ride he continues to complain numerous times. I try to ignore, the whole time praying so hard that he doesn't get sick. So we made it!! He didn't complain the whole time we were at the school...WHEW!!
Their teacher seems to be really sweet ! :) We talked for a while and then left. I had already planned to go shopping before we went back home, so we headed over to Belk. While we were there Trey started complaining again, only this time he was on the ground with his knees to his chest. So, there went my shopping trip :( I got him a Sprite at Sonic and we started home and then...he started screaming I GOTTA POOP!!! By this time we were to the farm, so we stopped and let him poop. Nothing out of the ordinary going on with the number 2. He felt fine after that. Just like it started, it ended!
I took them to Grammy and Papa's house around 5:30 and they couldn't wait for me to leave :( They ate pizza, went out to feed the chickens and gather the eggs, took their baths, and had a talent show! Grammy took a few pictures, but I haven't seen them yet. Trey was playing the electric guitar, Carlie was playing the fiddle, and Makena was on the mandolin! There are so blessed to have great-grandparents that are still active enough to do things like this with them. Making Memories :)
Carl didn't get home until 8:30, so I enjoyed a quiet house for a while.
I am already getting a little sad to thinking that summer is over. Carl thinks I'm crazy, guess it's just a Momma thing :)
As we were leaving for Open House yesterday, Trey started saying his tummy hurt....SERIOUSLY?? So I load them all up anyway, and we take off to town. On the 15 minute ride he continues to complain numerous times. I try to ignore, the whole time praying so hard that he doesn't get sick. So we made it!! He didn't complain the whole time we were at the school...WHEW!!
Their teacher seems to be really sweet ! :) We talked for a while and then left. I had already planned to go shopping before we went back home, so we headed over to Belk. While we were there Trey started complaining again, only this time he was on the ground with his knees to his chest. So, there went my shopping trip :( I got him a Sprite at Sonic and we started home and then...he started screaming I GOTTA POOP!!! By this time we were to the farm, so we stopped and let him poop. Nothing out of the ordinary going on with the number 2. He felt fine after that. Just like it started, it ended!
I took them to Grammy and Papa's house around 5:30 and they couldn't wait for me to leave :( They ate pizza, went out to feed the chickens and gather the eggs, took their baths, and had a talent show! Grammy took a few pictures, but I haven't seen them yet. Trey was playing the electric guitar, Carlie was playing the fiddle, and Makena was on the mandolin! There are so blessed to have great-grandparents that are still active enough to do things like this with them. Making Memories :)
Carl didn't get home until 8:30, so I enjoyed a quiet house for a while.
I am already getting a little sad to thinking that summer is over. Carl thinks I'm crazy, guess it's just a Momma thing :)