I thought that since school starts next week I would try to post at least some pictures of what all we did the week before school started. So here it goes:
We finished up our school shopping by buying
new backpacks
We went swimming at Nanny and Pop's
I'm not sure what Carlie called herself
doing....hiding from me I guess!
Makena making the "duck face" again!
I gotta get her out of that.
It was such a nice day today....no 105 degree
temps, this evening it was in the mid 80's and
we enjoyed every minute of it by playing on the
fort. Do you see Carlie's bad attitude written all
over her face?!
Makena wanted to learn to ride my big bike...
And she did it, all on her own :)
Trey enjoyed being able to play on the fireman pole
And he made it all the way down!!
He's such a cheese ball!!
Over all we had a wonderful day!! Even with the bad attitudes and little arguments, I'm doing my best to make the most out of this last week with my sweet girls home all day :) I'm so thankful for all of them, so thankful that God gave them to me.
Carl didn't get to cut rice today because of our nice little shower early this morning. Tomorrow is the big day, unless it rains again tonight!