This is Trey's Nativity set in his room. He was so excited
to put it up and he loves playing with all the people.
Makena's Nutcrackers. She has just started
collecting them this past year. The one with the
coconut drink in his had is named Kenny!! I don't know
where she got that from, but the girl LOVES these things!
This has been Trey's favorite book for a while now. He
goes around singing the song to it all the time...he even did this
in the summer! His favorite part is "Five Golden Retrievers" and of
course, "And A Poodle In a Dog House"!! It's a very cute book.
We have started decorating for Christmas around the Munger house. It started last Saturday (I days were all off last week!) when we got the tree out of storage and spent most of the day trying to get it to look right (one day I'll splurge on a new one!) and decorating the rest of the inside. Sunday after church Carl and I worked on the outside...we didn't put up any lights this year (yet), but instead did greenery and red bows around the front posts.
This has been a pretty hard week so far. I guess being off from school/work for a week really got us off course. Carl got sick on Saturday, and to this day sounds awful. He refuses to go to the doctor, though. He is getting better, but it is a very slow process. Bless his heart, he did basketball practice on Tuesday with little to no voice! Thank goodness for the whistle! So the girls and Carl had basketball on Tuesday, yesterday we had our Hughes Net installed (which took 3 1/2 hours!) and Discovery, and today I've got to get off here so I can clean and get ready to go get the girls and take them to b-ball practice again!
They will play their first game on Monday night. They are playing a different private school in Stuttgart. It's really no big deal, but I have to question their coach putting Carlie on as point guard!! I'm going to be sure and take my video camera because it's going to be hilarious!!
Saturday morning we are planning to do Christmas card pictures (I'm a little late, I know!) and Saturday afternoon we are going to my Aunt Kathleen's house in Sheridan for Christmas.
To say the least this month is jam-packed!! It's like people just see how much they can cram into one month!! No wonder why we forget the "real" meaning of Christmas...we're too darn busy!