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Over The River and Through The Woods

Over the River and through the woods to Nana's house
we go!

Makena got this cute little blanket (unicorn) from Leslie

Trey was wrapped in his giraffe blanket sitting on
his best friends, Uncle John, lap.

Jeannie and Carl

Carlie was having a hard time keeping Jude in her lap.

Our first stop on this Christmas Eve was at Nana and Papaw T.R.'s house in Wynne.  We had a really good time visiting with everyone, opening presents, and eating some really good turkey.  I'm not a big dressing eater, but everyone said it was the best ever.  Nobody left hungry :) 
Yes, that is another picture you see up there of Trey with Uncle John.  He LOVES him.  I'm talking, he hardly left John's side or lap the whole afternoon :)  They make all kinds of crazy plans and Trey is already asking when he can go stay the night!!  I know he wouldn't stay by himself, but we might plan a trip to visit before Christmas break is over.
We ended up staying there for about 3 or 4 hours before we had to head off to our next stop....Grammy and Papa's.

Trey and Maxee.  He didn't want to have his picture
made with a GIRL! 

Makena with all her babies.  She was in heaven :)

Trey with one of his presents from Grammy and Papa

Carlie was showing off her new hair is pink
leopard...SO CUTE!

Makena got a polka-dot one

"It's a Pillow...It's a Pet, It's a Pillow Pet!!"

This is the scrap booking queen :)  She loves taking pictures
and making scrapbooks.  It was a perfect gift for her.

Oh my word Trey LOVED his Paper Jamz!!

Trey with his doggy Pillow Pet

Rockin' Out to "Rockstar" or as he calles it,
the Shrek song!

So after we left Wynne we had to come straight back for Christmas at my Grammy and Papa's house.  There are so many kids, cousins, Aunts and's just a lot of good times when we get together.  The kids had such a good time playing and of course opening presents!!  They couldn't wait until after dinner :) 
 I am really running on caffeine at this point.  I haven't had a good nights sleep in 3 nights thanks to this cold I've had and my wonderful husband sawing logs all night long :(  I think I see a sleep aid in my near future! 

As I sit here tonight in my nice warm house blogging and watching my tree lights blink, I can't help but think of how Jesus came to this earth with such humble beginnings....a King born in a barn??  He came as that perfect baby with the sole purpose to die for me and you so that we may have the chance to live with him forever.  I've made my choice to be with Him in Eternity, have you?

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:11
Merry Christmas Eve, Everybody!!


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