Well, it was a little earlier than usual, but today we (Carl) helped clean out my parents pool. They don't have a cover for it, so it gets pretty nasty and GREEN! Leaves get in it, and it's just a stinky mess. So every year Carl and my dad have to pump the pool out. All 33,000 gallons. It takes a little over half a day to get it all out and then it's time to refill and that takes about 3 days. Trey likes to take part in helping out.
Trey and Makena Faith watching the nasty water go down.
Trey was helping sweep the dirt away.
Check out my redneck man! He scared me to death being in there. All I could think of was him sliding down and re-injuring his knee. At this point Makena had found her a swimsuit in the house and tried to catch a tan!
All clean and ready for some fun!
Now, if it will just quit raining and get warm!!