I found a new profession: Storm Chasing! NOT!!
Saturday night my parents came over and we grilled out some burgers and hot dogs. Just as we were finishing up it started thundering and getting dark. It never got really bad here, just a quick downpour! Thank goodness it was all over before bedtime!
This was a forced picture taken Sunday before church.
I guess I didn't realize it until I saw this, but Trey sure does need a haircut!
Carlie and her silly cat. That cat will let her hold it just like a baby.
Playing four square with three people! There are several things wrong with this picture, #1 there are no "squares", #2 there are only three people, and #3 they are playing with a HUGE ball and not a 4 square ball. This makes it extremely difficult to play the game right. When you add a person (whose name I will not mention) who likes to make up the rules as they go, it is just complete chaos!
The one on the left would be the boss!
And 9 times out of 10, THIS happens!!
Oh well, you can't keep everyone happy all of the time!