Makena, Papaw Garrett, Trey, and Carlie
Carlie got some footed Hello Kitty pajamas.
Makena was happy about her owl earrings!
This was Trey's favorite present!
They actually sat beside each other and didn't fight!
He also LOVED this hat he got!
He told us on the way home that he would wear it to bed if we would let him!
Saturday was a super busy day for us. Both of the girls stayed the night with friends, so we had to go get them, then the kids had Christmas Program practice at church at 11:30, and we had to leave for Searcy at 2:30 because of the stinkin' rain, so we were just on the go all day. When we finally made our way through the floods to the Garrett's house we had a good time hanging out with family and eating (of course!). We missed my sister and her family getting to be there, but at least we get to see them later this week :)
Christmas will never be the same without Grandma Martha, but it's still good to get together with Papaw and the rest of the family.