Carlie with her gingerbread house
Makena with hers
And, Trey with his. Daddy helped him put a hat on his gingerbread man
This is the first year we have ever bought them a house to do on their own.
We've done the train and a house with Santa's sleigh, but I thought it would be nice for them each to be able to do one on their own.
We started the tradition of making gingerbread items about three or four years ago when Carl went to deer camp(I was trying to find a way to keep the kids busy). It worked, and the kids loved doing it. We missed doing it last year because we were super busy with Christmas-y things but they begged me to do it again! Carl was supposed to be gone this weekend too, but decided to come home early yesterday and surprise us! I was really glad to see him (I don't like being home alone!). Our friend also came in from Ashdown yesterday, so it was nice that we all got to go out and eat and fellowship :)