This morning we got up and opened our presents at our house! The kids were so excited to see what all they got.
Can you see the excitement on Trey's face when I said, "Go"?!
Carlie got the phone case she has been wanting :)
Makena also got a phone case for her phone!
Makena got the Nike slide on shoes she wanted too!
New Nike sack for basketball
A truck he picked out at Tractor Supply
She was really happy about her new Patagonia!
And some little girl got the exact laptop she asked for!
I really had to push Carl into this. He didn't think she needed one, but she does have a lot of papers to do, and that's only going to increase in the coming years! She was so happy :)
And this little girl got her purple bicycle that she has been wanting!
She kept saying, "But it's not at Wal-Mart anymore" and finally Carlie said, "Well, if they got it for you then it wouldn't be at Wal-Mart anymore would it?!"! Duh, Makena! She is such a blonde sometimes!
And Trey got the gun that him and Carl have been looking at and talking about for months!
I never got a good picture of it that morning with my camera, but I have a feeling that a post in the near future will be nothing but a phone picture dump!
He was pumped!
And Snoopy got some toys too!
And again.
God has truly blessed us this Christmas! Not only with all of the gifts that we just "loved" (my Dad says, "love people, like things."), but with our health, families, and friends. I'm grateful for the memories we have made this holiday season, and I know I say it every year, but this is the best one yet!
I'm so grateful most of all, that God sent his Son to come so lowly in a manger, die on the cross, and be raised from death so that we may have everlasting life. That's what Christmas is truly about.