Well this Wednesday hasn't been filled with nearly enough studying for that mid-term tomorrow, but we did have some fun. I had to run into town and pick up Noah from my mom because she had to take my Papa the doctor and to get an MRI. We ended up grabbing some Wendy's before coming home. I studied for a little while and found out that I made a B in both of the classes that I finished. I was happy with that because they were both super consuming! I took all four kids (mine plus Noah) to swim at Mom and Dad's with Aunt Vicki and Maxee. They had a really good time playing together, even though Noah was truly worried that Nanny was not there! He was very relieved when she made it back :) So here are a few pictures:
Noah and Trey trying to fool me into thinking they
were taking a nap in their blanket tent!
T was showing Aunt Vicki his back flip off the diving board
Noah was happy just floating in his ring.
My happy girl
Maxee Parker sliding down the slide
I was trying to take a picture of Carlie, but she had to sneeze in
the middle of it....sorry Carlie!!
Happy Wednesday!!