This week is Vacation Bible School at our church. Our theme is Rev It Up: Full Throttle For God (race car theme) and the kids are absolutely loving it! I'm not sure about last night, but tonight we had somewhere around 35 kids, which is pretty good for a community this size. A lot of kids that we normally have were either out of town or at church camp and some have even moved :( I am doing music (again) for pre-school through age 12 and I am so glad that Carl has been around to help me. He has been my go-to guy :)
Here are a few pictures of the week so far:
Here are a few pictures of the week so far:
Trey thinks his sunglasses are awesome because Carl gave
them to him :) They were watching Speed Bump (see below)
This is Speed Bump: my dad! Each night there is a little skit
that involves a character named Speed Bump. As you can tell
by the looks on the kids faces, he is hilarious! This is
probably their very favorite part :)
Makena, walking to the room with her classmates.
Look at all those handsome boys: Avery, Noah, Trey, and Ashton.
Carlie talking with the girls before we got started!
Singing "Every Move I Make". This is their VERY favorite
song to sing. It makes me so happy to see them get into
a song like they do this one :)
***A little news not related to VBS: #1 we went to court last Thursday and the loser guy got sentenced to another 90 days in jail for criminal trespassing. The judge was sick that he couldn't be charged with more, so he gave him the maximum amount of time and didn't count the time he had already spent in jail/rehab. Of course he has 30 days to appeal. We'll just keep praying about that :) It's a small victory, but a victory non the less. Another good thing about it was that he plead guilty, so neither Carl nor Carlie had to testify. Praise the Lord!!
#2 I finished two of my classes for the summer, today!! WOO HOO!!!! I only have two to worry about now and one of those I have a mid-term in on Thursday, and I have to drive to LR to take it. Not looking too forward to that , but I can't stop now. At least that means I get to sell my books back (maybe that will pay for my gas!!).