After lunch we all went out to the pool and Carlie fell
asleep in her ring! I had to wake her up after a few minutes
because I was afraid she would get burned! She had sunscreen
on, but Monday was one of those days that you needed to reapply
Our friend, Luke. This is the little guy I've been asking
prayer for lately. He couldn't get in the water because of
his leg that is fractured.
He's now sporting a camo cast though!
Makena was being my motor, pulling me around the pool :)
Trey has turned into a little fish. He doesn't wear floaties at
all anymore and he does very well :) His hair is already turning
blond, too :)
We celebrated Memorial Day by having a cook out at my parents' house at lunch. Carl was working (BOO!) so it was just me and my kids, our pastor, his wife, and Luke, my grandparents and Mom and Dad. We were sad that the Simpson's couldn't come down to play with us, but we still had a fun day. After swimming most of the afternoon, we came home to rest for a little while then we went back over there for some watermelon :) Carl came home around that time, so the kids wanted to swim again and he got to watch them while he was eating his dinner outside. By the time he was done it was already 8 o'clock and time to go home and get ready for bed. It sure was hard to think about going back to school! We were all completely worn out from being in the sun all day!
So Tuesday, we had to get back into the swing of things...SCHOOL, SCHOOL, SCHOOL!! I have had a pretty busy two days working on projects for my school and the girls are ready to be out (as am I) for the summer. We still had test and quizzes to study for (on the last 3 1/2 days of school!!), so as of today, we still haven't been able to relax :(
Tonight we have our Discovery closing program (which I hope to have pictures of!). I am so nervous for my kids...they are saying their verses for the church. I know they know them, I just pray that they can recall them.
Tomorrow will be completely filled with buying groceries, leading a group discussion for school, after school swim party, and baking 4 dozen cupcakes!
Fun, Fun, Fun!!
1 1/2 More Days!!!