I got in trouble the other day for not keeping my blog updated like I used to, so that's why I've been doing a little marathon posting :) I really am trying to keep up with much bigger things in my life right now and I feel like I'm hanging by a string sometimes. That being said, here's what's new today:
Father's Day
Can you believe that I didn't even get a picture of my dad or Carl today?! I'm failing, I know! We spent the morning at church, ate lunch at my Grammy's house with Papa, Daddy, and Carl. The majority of the rest of the afternoon was spent trying to wrap up packing. Carlie has been packed and ready since Friday and was aggravated because Carl and I wouldn't hurry up and pack our stuff! That's our Carlie. She was born ready for something. Here are the few pictures I did get today:
Father's Day
Can you believe that I didn't even get a picture of my dad or Carl today?! I'm failing, I know! We spent the morning at church, ate lunch at my Grammy's house with Papa, Daddy, and Carl. The majority of the rest of the afternoon was spent trying to wrap up packing. Carlie has been packed and ready since Friday and was aggravated because Carl and I wouldn't hurry up and pack our stuff! That's our Carlie. She was born ready for something. Here are the few pictures I did get today:
I lied, I did get a picture of my dad and Carl....a behind picture!
Pretty soon we'll have to have a trailer :) Yes, you do see tents
packed, however I'm NOT promising that I will be camping.
Carl and I used to camp, but camping with kids has proven to
be a little challenging, and we'll just see how things turn out!
How cute is this?! It's June and he falls asleep with an
Easter basket in his hand. I didn't take a picture of it
because I was having to use my flash and I didn't want to
take a chance of waking him, but he had that crazy stuffed Woody
in the floor beside his bed, covered up with a blanket! I love
that silly little boy :)
I probably won't be on here for a few days, but I'm sure I'll have lots of pictures to post when I get back.
Hope you all have a great week!