Trey and Carlie at the school-wide birthday party yesterday.
I forgot to bring my camera in, so these are with my phone.
Makena with one of her good friends, Sidney.
Abby, Skyler, and Carlie getting ready to sing at
Makena and Maddy
Our end of the group. We got there a little later
than I had planned last night, so we didn't get good seats :(
Sam, Makena, and Tristen waiting on the music to start.
WE ARE DONE!!! The day I had been waiting on for a month now, has came and went. My excitement soon faded when I realized that the next time we start school, Trey will be going! Last night they had kindergarten graduation right before the real seniors graduated and I couldn't help but tear up a little thinking about Trey being in his little cap and gown next year. He will tell you that he's ready, and I know it's time.
Today Carl is working (of course) and we are just going to hang out. Maybe clean a little, do a little homework(me), and go swimming. We are supposed to go to a birthday party and an anniversary party, but nobody really wants to go anywhere. We are just taking it minute by minute right now :)
I have another prayer request. A little baby named Jagger Barnes. He had to be taken on Thursday morning due to pregnancy complications....12 weeks early. He is in Arkansas Children's Hospital right now receiving the best care possible, but as you can imagine he has a long ways to go. His mom, Tonya has been a fill-in Mother Helper at our school and his big sister Olivia just graduated from kindergarten at our school last night. Please pray for the whole family.