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One Last Christmas!

Christmas had its last hoorah on Friday night. Trey's piano teacher had to postpone her Christmas recital because my uncle was sick. The only other available date for everyone was January 4th. I was elated to hear "Jingle Bell Rock" one LAST time this holiday season. He did a terrific job, as did the other students and Aunt Becky was an amazing hostess.
Maybe this should be captioned: If looks could kill.
He was definitely not happy about me taking his picture. 

Aunt Becky with Trey, Bella, and Anna Grace.

Trey the piano man

Opening presents is still fun after Christmas. 

It is always nice to hear everything the kids have been learning so far.  Aunt Becky has been teaching piano off and on for many years. She is patient with the kids and is lots of fun, too.  I am glad that Trey wanted to take lessons and they he enjoys playing. 

And now Christmas is over!

Much Love,


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