Happy Thursday friends! Hope you have had a fantastic week so far. I have been a busy little bee trying to decorate and get things lined out for Makena's Sr Sunday Luau on the 28th. We still have a lot to do, but it will get done. I want it to be perfect for her since the last half of her Sr. year was a little less than perfect.
I'm sure there will still be those who won't come because they are afraid of corona. I am not minimizing their fear, because I too, could become overwhelmed with fear if I let myself dwell on it.
I'm going to take a minute share a few thoughts that have been running through my head lately. This whole COVID 19 situation has social engineering written all over it.
The first goal of this project would be to further alienate and isolate the population from each other, thus greatly weakening our power and autonomy. Attack the assemblage of the population, close churches. The Boston Tea Party happened after a church meeting.
Second goal: to cull small businesses, and centralize the big ones while boosting the productivity through fear of losing your job.
Third goal: to create social unrest that results in the federal government being the police of last resort. This is why the released prisoners and reduced police departments.
Fourth goal: to grow online retail with the eventual goal of digitalizing our currency. When every person can carey debt even the children, that carried enormous financial power because money for some time now is actually created out of debt. Imagine the financial possibilities of even the homeless with government "store credit".. they will bill it as wiping out homelessness.
Fifth goal: to further empower a medical authoritative body and endow it with specific powers rather than suggestive powers.
Sixth goal: to legalize the first world wide mandatory vaccine. This would be to meet their goal of legalizing injections of any kind. The newest injections are "marks" in the skin that can bee seen with an AP on mobile devices. An invisible, indelible mark.
You cannot make this stuff up. If you have not seen any videos on the new quantum dot tattoo injection, I encourage you to look that up.
Yes, these are my opinions but if you read mainstream news articles carefully, these goals can be seen within many publications.
They are making their agenda quite clear.
Evil has declared war. We can either deny or accept it. It is more empowering to accept it.
--insert the song, "Jesus is Coming Soon--
Let's just not get so caught up in the goings on in the world that we forget how it all ends. God wins.
Much Love,