It's Friday, Friyay!! Happy Friday good people!
Today I'm linking up with Andrea at Momfessionals for another Friday Favorites.
Family get togethers are always a favorite. This little celebration was for my nephew, Eli. He graduated the 5th grade. His class was unable to go stay the night in Texas at Sea World like previous classes, so we thought he deserved a little bit of happy!
It's no secret that I love a good thriller. Although I'm not even halfway into it, I would definitely recommend it!
What would this post be without an animal picture?! One of my favorite sights is seeing this mama kitty taking care of her babies. In her previous litter, she wasn't as sweet and nurturing. This sweet little white kitten is the runt.
While Makena and I were out shopping earlier this week, we came across these cute skinny can holders. I know what they are typically used for, but I'm thinking they would be great for Red Bulls! Of course the leopard is my fave.
One of my many favorite playlists. Feel free to check me out on Spotify!
I think that about wraps me favorites up for the week. I really haven't gone many places or bought anything (other than groceries) this week. I'm so happy to feel better and just do normal, everyday things.
Much Love,