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My Experience With Thrive

Hey guys! Hope you had a great weekend! It was an average summer weekend here on the homestead. 
Today I want to share my Thrive experience with you. About 15 months ago one of my Facebook friends shared a post about "clean energy, all-natural caffeine, and wearable nutrition" and was offering to give away free samples. I'm all about free samples. I have tried Plexus samples(which I really did like), I also tried Advocare samples(NOT for me). I know that they were only samples and were not really meant for me to get the full effect and to be honest either of those two may be great products, but the timing of me starting them wasn't right. 
So back to my friend's post (she is married to my cousin). This post wasn't the first I had seen from Thrive. Remember, I love true crime....and if you have followed the Chris Watts case at all, you know that he and the wife he killed (along with his 2 daughters and unborn son) sold Thrive. I wanted to try it, so my friend mailed the samples and I loved it. The simplicity, the taste, the was great. So I ordered. I'm not gonna lie, it isn't cheap, but high quality things usually aren't.  The only problem was that I couldn't afford to keep taking it. I knew if I could refer two people, I could get my product free. 
My dad is a salesman, and a pretty good one at that. I always felt like Carl would make a good salesman as well. I, on the other hand would absolutely suck at it. I cannot look you in the eye and tell you how much you need this or that if it is going to put you further in debt. I picture the movie Liar,Liar with Jim Carey. I cannot lie like that! And if my mouth were able to say that you need this product, my face would say the opposite.  I'm not selling you anything. But I do like the product. I ordered again at the beginning of December and have been taking it since. 
There are three simple steps: the capsuls that you take before your feet hit the floor in the morning (on an empty stomach). The capsules help with weight management, cognitive performance, healthy joint function, antioxidant support, lean muscle support, and digestive and immune support.
The next thing is the shake (15 to 20 minutes after the capsules). They are ultra micronized, contain a probiotic and enzyme blend, promoting lean muscle support as well as weight management or fitness. They have several flavors. I like almost all of them before vanilla. Strawberry and Apple Pie are probably my top two.
And the last step in the process is slapping on the DFT aka "patch". DFT stands for derma fusion technology. It also helps with weight management,  mental acuity, supports appetite management, & energy and circulation.
I have recently tried the Duo Burn DFT's and just let me say, they are a game changer! I'm talking losing inches and great energy. 
I also added the Activate premium activated beverage. It just gives me that afternoon pick-me-up.  It also aids in energy performance and mental clarity. I will say that if you order the activate, get the watermelon. I tried the cherry first and could hardly choke them down!
So if I'm not selling the product, why am I telling you about it? Because honestly it works. I feel 10 times better while taking it. I have more energy and am a more positive person. 
If you have the money to spend on the product, I would definitely say go for it! If you decide you want to order the product, see my info below. It will help me get my product free, but if you get two people to order, you can get yours free as well. 
Here is my referral site:

Much Love,



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