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A Little Spring Inspiration!

So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion.  For the Lord is a faithful God.  Blessed are those who wait for his help. 
Isaiah 30:18

I just thought I'd share this verse with you today, because it really spoke to me this morning.  It all goes back to my trying to control everything in my life, and realizing that when I try to control  I fail miserably.  I think that from a woman's point of view it is hard.  Now, I can't speak for those who work a job and take care of a family, but I can speak from a stay-at-home mom, trying to raise three kids: There is a lot of making things look good for appearance sake.  I try so hard to be the perfect Mom and wife with three perfect kids and have a perfectly clean house.  I try so hard to control everything from our finances to our social calendar (ha!) and then I try to be every one's friend (or at least be friendly). 
 The truth is, I am never a perfect Mom and wife, I am still learning!!  My house is not always clean, and my laundry is very rarely done.....and I spend too much money =)...and I have so much to learn about being a true friend and who my true friends really are.  I have been so unorganized lately that  I am ashamed!!!  The thing is, I do so much so that everyone else can see that I "have it all together" when I really never do!!!  WHO DOES??!!  Why do we feel the need to put on this facade and not be real with ourselves and face reality that we cannot do it on our own?? 
I mean seriously, if we were all honest with each other and ourselves we would realize that we are all in the same boat and see that it is all unnecessary stress in our lives.  In the end it will not matter what others thought of our lives and how they thought we lived them, all that matters is that He knows our hearts and how we really lived: for Him or not.
We have so much to live for, why not do it for Him, as He gave it all to us?!?

Here are a few pictures that the kids have made for me lately:

Carlie made this for me at school yesterday.  When light is behind it it looks really pretty :)

Makena's Art  :)
Trey painted this from his new HOP book.


Really loved this post, Beth. I also try SO hard to "have it all together" when really my life is such a mess! There are times that I think if I take on one more thing or start a new project, I am going to break in two and I only have 1 kid at the moment!

I am so thankful for a God that doesn't expect me to be perfect. And that He loves me even though I don't have it all together!

Thanks so much for sharing!! I would love to keep reading your blog ... if you don't care!

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