My Little Rock Star....
I think he was singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"!!
Carlie's beans are growing tall!
This is due on Friday and is coming along perfectly :)
Poor Makena, I'm not sure how well you can see it in this picture
but Saturday night Trey decided to jump off the love seat onto Makena
(on the couch) and somehow in the process he hit her in the eye. This picture
was taken on Sunday...notice she can barely open the eye on the left (her right eye)! We noticed
last night that it was getting more and more black and she has a popped blood vessel in her eye.
I keep putting make-up on it to make it look a little better, but it hardly covers it. By this morning the swelling had finally gone down a bit, but it is really a horrible color. She doesn't let it bother her though :)
I almost forgot....have any of you tried this? It's flavoring to put in your water. I saw it advertise on a commercial one night and ran out and bought it the next day (I know, just what they wanted me to do!). I like plain water sometimes, but sometimes I want a little flavor and this is zero fat and calories :) It comes in other flavors, but this one is Berry Pomegranate, and is really yummy!!