Duck tape has many uses. My kids think that just about anything can be fixed with it! But who knew that duck tape could be used as a fashion statement?!
Makena brought this home to me from school yesterday:
Makena brought this home to me from school yesterday:
It's a wallet made completely of zebra print duck tape!!
She said it was my early birthday present :)
It is actually function able and has a nifty little coin pouch in it!
A few weeks ago the girls were saving their money to buy all these different colors of duct tape because I just refused to buy 6 rolls of duct tape for $5 a piece. It just seemed like a waste to me, but then they started making these cute little bows (which I don't have a picture of), and now the wallets. Now, I'm not sure that I'll be using it as my main wallet, but it will definitely hold a place in my purse :) The new Gucci? I think not, but who knows what they will come up with it next!
This has been the month for book reports. Makena has been reading Babe (which by the way I did NOT know had "bad" words in it!). I guess I never realized that none of my kids have ever seen the movie. It is such a cute movie and now she is begging me to get it! They don't have it at our Wal-Mart, and we don't have a video store, so I'm going to have to find it online. It's so funny because I used to love pigs. In fact when Carl and I were dating he kept his horse a barn not far from my house and he bought me a pig! I know, how romantic, right?! He takes me frog giggin' on a date and buys me a pig!! I loved that silly thing, but we ended up selling it, and it was probably made into bacon (we won't dwell on that part)!
Carlie has had to read a Christian biography for the past few weeks and finally finished it on Monday....the report was due TODAY!! It is an oral report, and she is giving it this morning. The book is about Clara Barton who was nicknamed "Angel of the Battlefield". I really hope she does well because she expects so much out of herself.
Speaking of Carlie, please pray for her. She has now told me (after 3 weeks) that she is scared (of everything). I'm thinking it's time to find someone for her to talk to. I've told her that God is going to take care of her and that anytime she is scared to just remember God is greater than anything, but then again sometimes I still get scared and I'm not the one that was nearly abducted.
I let her and Makena sleep with me last night and we kicked Carl out with T. I didn't get much sleep because I was in the middle, but I just wanted her to feel safe and have a good night sleep. I've had a feeling for a while that she hasn't been sleeping the best. Also there is supposed to be some kind of trial on the 26th and I am dreading it some kind of bad. I am praying that she won't have to give any kind of testimony in front of him. She's already given her statement and I just don't want her to have to go through that. No subpoena yet, but I keep looking for it everyday (pray with me that it doesn't come).
So there it is, that's my post for today :) We don't have a lot planned for the weekend. Carl will be working unless it rains, and we are just going to hang out. We have an Athletic Banquet at school tomorrow evening, so at least he won't have to work so darn late tomorrow night. I don't like being a single parent and I cannot wait to have him back with us at a decent hour. I think last night he got to see the kids for a whole 10 minutes before it was time for them to go to bed. I know, I know, I am thankful that he has a job (really), but we need him right now too. That was my gripe for the day :)
Happy Friday, Friends!!