This year we ate Mother's Day lunch at my Grammy's house. Jamie and her kids drove down this morning and a couple of my cousins also joined us. It was a laid back lunch of BBQ and all the fixing's, dip and chips, and of course some really yummy desserts. My mom always fixes dirt cake which is a HUGE hit with the kids--except Carlie and we all know that she loathes chocolate, but she had her a big piece of strawberry pie :) Anyway, after lunch all the kids went outside to play. It was such a beautiful day to be outside. Here are the very few pictures I got from Grammy's. Now that my kids are getting older, I have to fight them for pictures. I don't even think I got one of Carlie at Grammy's because she wouldn't go outside because there was a dog--a dachshund!! She hates that little dog and I really think the feeling is mutual!
Trey and Noah
Eli, Trey, Hadlee, Noah, and Maxee
Trey and Makena---Who would have guessed Makena
was with a baby?!
Miss Ellie Kate :)
Noah and Hadlee were arguing about the battery being
dead on the tractor.