The girls have been begging me since yesterday to take some pictures of them in some of their new outfits but yesterday the weather was kinda iffy as to if was going to rain (never did) and we would have had to fix hair before....and that just didn't really fit into our day, so I told them after church would work. I would have never guessed how sleepy I would have been after not enough sleep due to Carlie's stomach issues and the fact that I took sinus medicine before I went to bed thought I was going to bed at 11:00. Needless to say, could hardly keep my eyes open during church. I was seriously thinking of finding an empty room and taking a nap until church was over! Instead, I waited until after we ate lunch (leftovers from last night!) and cleaned up. I think we finished in record time and I was snoozing away by 12:45 :) I could hear the kids, so I got up around 2:30 and the first thing Makena asked me was "Can we take pictures now?". So here are a few of the ones we took:
Carlie Erin
Makena Faith...wasn't wearing her glasses because she didn't want to go inside to get them! This girls was so proud to be wearing some jeans. Last year we couldn't find her even one pair that she could wear. So we spent the whole school year in pants with elastic...jeggings, legging outfits, velour jogging suites, anything stretchy. She would always say, "I wish I had a pair of jeans" and that always made me feel bad for her. So when we were shopping on Friday we did all our usual stores that carry plus-size clothing and still didn't find any jeans, but we weren't really surprised. She was able to button them up this year, but they still weren't comfortable to wear. So we decided to just run down to Dillard's to just look around and lo and behold my mom found some plus size Levi's. I didn't think they would work but they did and you could just see in her cute little face how happy she was :) It made the whole trip worth it!
I love this picture. My two pretty girls
Carlie loves those crazy cats
Different outfit
And this was the last one before she got tired of doing it!
Sorry that this is yet another post without my sweet T in it, but you gotta share the spotlight some T! I know there are plenty throughout the years without the girls in them. Oh, and by the way, Carlie has more than this to go back to school in, she just didn't want to change as many times as Makena did!
That is all I have time for today because someone keeps calling for 5:30 meetings (the past two Sundays) at church....I won't mention any names, but you know who you are :) I am still super sleepy so I'm going to use back to school as an excuse for me to go to bed early tonight too...RHONJ will just have to wait until tomorrow.