Well, today was the first day of school for my sweet girls. I don't think either of them slept much last night because of their anticipation of the new school year :) I remember doing the same thing! Of course we were up and out the door (for pictures) in record time....don't be too hopeful, it doesn't usually last past the first week. Grammy and Nanny both came to the house to get their own pictures of the girls. Trey kind of wanted to go to school today, too, but then he enjoyed his time home alone today. Nobody to fight with, nobody to tell him he couldn't play the Wii, nobody saying "Get out of our room, Trey!". You get the picture! Now here are a few of the pictures I got this morning:
They were so ready to leave!
My 4th grader, Makena
My 5th grader, Carlie
Nanny took this picture....and Carlie and Makena are looking
at the dog while Trey and I are cheesing away. Note to self:
don't wear this shirt again it makes my arms look fat :(
They told me this afternoon that they had a great day except that the lunches were late, the bells weren't ringing, and the fire alarm went off twice (no fire)! Maybe by the time I work up there next week all the glitches will be worked out. They both talked and talked about their video teachers, and which ones they liked best. Carlie has a man teacher for the first time, ever, and she said he is her favorite. Poor Makena is half sick, but is still going. She has sinus issues that are causing a hacky cough and a bit of a sore throat. So, she went to school with a bag of cough drops. I hope she gets better soon. We were so blessed not to be sick very much last year and I'm praying this year is a repeat of that.
All in all it was a great day, and I'm very thankful to be able to send my kids to the school they are in :)
Happy First Day of School!!