Today we took a quick little trip to Morrilton to pick my mom up and to also see the Simpson's for a while. They were so sweet and had a little birthday party for both me and Makena. We had pizza and cupcakes :) Oh the joys of living in the city limits where you can actually get pizza delivered...sometimes I wish I lived "in town"!
Look at these two! Ellie Kate couldn't decide between her
pizza and cupcake, so she ate a little of one, then a little of
the other!
These were taken with my phone and I'm too lazy tired
to edit them. Makena was eating her pizza. I think it is
now her favorite food :) We won't mention that they had
it 3 times over the past week. We'll do better next week!
Jamie made this for me for my birthday. She has become quite the
little Martha Stewart! I have a stand that I am going to put it on.
She also made these cups....oh, wait I'd better say that Cody
made the cups!! He was sure to let us know who did it yesterday.
I think he did a good job :) All the kids had one, and I was the "special"
(no wise cracks) adult that got one too!
I didn't get any pictures of Carlie or Noah at the party :( Noah was SUPER excited that we were there and I don't think he sat down for more than 5 minutes (to eat) and honestly Carlie is about the same way. She was carrying EK around playing with her most of the time.
We had a great time and by the time we got home we were so tired we didn't do much of anything! The heat was pretty bad today. It was right around 100 all day. I always feel so bad for Carl for having to be out in it. He says he's used to it, but he didn't do much outside when he got home last night either!
Hope you all have a great weekend and find a cool spot to stay!