I didn't get many pictures tonight because I had to lead singing and Carl had to run my cd's for me, so the pictures I do have are either from before or after the program! We had more kids come out for the closing program than we thought, which is a good thing. They all did their parts very well and they sang great too!
Trey didn't sing much because he woke up with a sore throat this morning! He felt awful and was running a low grade fever, but we went anyway....yes, I was one of those mothers tonight! That is a pet peeve of mine (as anyone who has read this blog long knows!), but Carl and I both had jobs that needed to be done, so I'm praying that no other kids caught anything from him (them, us) :)
Trey didn't sing much because he woke up with a sore throat this morning! He felt awful and was running a low grade fever, but we went anyway....yes, I was one of those mothers tonight! That is a pet peeve of mine (as anyone who has read this blog long knows!), but Carl and I both had jobs that needed to be done, so I'm praying that no other kids caught anything from him (them, us) :)
Trying to get a good picture of everybody is
SO hard!!
Megan, Bonnie, and Carlie got to hold the flags/Bible
during the closing program
Trey, holding his certificate and goodie bag.
Each kid got one of these little trophies.
Trey called it his "piston cup"!!
This is completely random, but how cute is this plate?!
Carlie begged me for it today and I caved and got it:
you know since she didn't feel well and all :)
A company named Natural Life makes them.