Oh, Monday why do you have to live up to your bad name! No, it really hasn't been a bad day, just a long day. On the way home from our date night, I realized that my drivers license expired on Sunday :( I absolutely HATE having my picture taken for my drivers licence. There has to be some kind of law somewhere that says that those pictures have to be bad because I've never seen a good one. Well, I didn't see one today either! And bless her heart, the girl that waited on me at the Revenue office had the personality of a ground rattler....seriously....AND I didn't know that you have to pay 20 bucks to have the darn picture made....grrrrr. Bad morning, but thankfully the day got better :)
Carl came home to eat lunch with us and after we got finished we decided to walk over to Ms. Lena's Pie Shop to get a piece of pie.
This is why I can't lose weight:
Carl came home to eat lunch with us and after we got finished we decided to walk over to Ms. Lena's Pie Shop to get a piece of pie.
This is why I can't lose weight:
Makena and Trey got blueberry cream cheese pie, me and Carl
got chocolate pie, and of course Carlie got a fried apple pie. She LOVES
her some apple pie...in any form!
After Carl went back to work we rested, cleaned a little, then we decided to go swimming. Everyone was in a good mood today, which made EVERYTHING easier on ME! Love that :)
That smile makes my life so much more easy!
Trey was showing me one of his tricks on the slide.
He is a dare devil!
Makena was cooling off in front of the fountain.
And he started this....THE POSE!
Bulls Eye :)
Where's Trey?!
And, another pose....he was a camera hog today :)
Makena was having a puppet show for me with her water
BUSTED!! Carlie was in the pool with her food...
and from the looks of it, she had a mouth full too!
I'm tellin' Pop!!!
Carlie was being sneaky about something!
Happy Kids = Happy Mama!
When Carl got home from work we grilled some tasty pork chops, had some corn, fresh steamed squash, potatoes and gravy, and mac n cheese....it was delish!
What started out as a bad day, turned out to be a good one. The only thing that would have made it better would have been some rain :) Tomorrow I get to go clean the church with all the ladies before Revival next week. It's a tradition (the cleaning), I don't even know how long it's been going on, but I'm happy to be part of it!