As I mentioned in my previous post, Grammy had her birthday on Friday and Saturday was Papaw T.R.'s birthday! We had WAY too much cake and ice cream this weekend :)
All the kids (and Nanny) helped blow the candles out :)
Saturday we headed to Jonesboro for T.R.'s birthday. Carl had to go check some more water at the farm (AGAIN!) and then he had to help the men at the church clean up (revival this week), and we finally got to leave around 11:15. It was a great day with lots of good food, swimming, and visiting.
Pool Basketball was a BIG hit!
Nana had to show us her moves too!
Trey found a buddy in Kyle
Makena was soakin' up some sun!
Kyle showed Trey how to make a Mohawk...well, he tried
Carl and T.R. were pondering something!
Makena and Keely had fun playing in the pool together
T, just being T
Papaw T.R.'s birthday cake
Poor Brock couldn't wait for us to leave so he could get out
and play!
We got home around 8 and all the kids were in bed by 9. And if you're wondering, NOBODY fell asleep on the way home in the car! Yes, it was oh so much fun :) We aren't looking too forward to Nana and Papaw T.R. moving to Jonesboro because of that long drive!
Today we went to church and ate afterwards. It was our Homecoming service. Bro. Jeff told us all about the history of our church and the stand that it has taken in our community for over 130 years! How awesome is that?! It was great weekend and we are looking forward to a great revival this week. My brother-in-law, Cody will be bringing the messages each night, so we will get to hang out with the Simpson's for a few days this week!