Makena with her Tangled doll
Her new "cruiser" from us
That darn wrapping paper....and I don't know what
happened to this picture.
This is her new Barbie car
Lifeguard Barbie
Mrs. Cheryl put a frog on top of her present: The Princess
and the Frog movie! She loved them both :)
A mini Caboodle with nail polish stickers, lip gloss, and nail
polish from Jill and Hadlee
This shirt is just going to have to represent all
the shirts she got! I'm tired of uploading pictures
right now!
Tangled DS game from Nanny and Pop
Blowing out her candles...and yelling at Trey for
helping her. Last year he made her cry because he
blew them out!
Hadlee and Papa eating cake and ice cream
Luke was eating his pudding.
Kena, Trey, and Hadlee
Today my sweet Makena turned 9! She's been counting down for about 2 weeks now! We went to town this morning and she bought some stuff with her birthday money. She's been getting cards with money in them all week long and she has absolutely loved it! She got a really cute pair of shoes, but I didn't get a picture of them today...I'll have to do it tomorrow. After we got back we ate pizza over at Mom's and then we watched a movie. It was a very different birthday for her because it fell on a Wednesday and we had to wait and do her party after church. She was so funny during church because every time I looked at her she was watching the clock. Thankfully we did get out a little early :) We just had family come over, and Bro. Jeff, Mrs. Cheryl, and Luke and lets face it, their basically family! She told me that she had a good birthday, so I'm just going to go with that. She was very patient today, but my mom did let her open one present at lunch today :)
Happy Birthday, Makena Faith! We love you and are very proud of the young lady that you are growing into.
Here's to many more :)